Friday, December 7, 2007

day +80 post transplant

I have not been writing for the last 2 days. Kind of busy....busy coping with the feeling of uneasiness and nausea especially towards the evening. Since a few days ago also, I have been visiting the hospital everyday for the daily dose of anti viral infusion and it has occupied half of the day. By the time I reached home, I felt tired and slept the other half of the day. My hemoglobin (red blood cell) also always on the suboptimum level making every task and activity a tiring one.


Anonymous said...

Day 80, Wolverine! this is such an accomplishment. You've come so far!

You can do it!

We are all with you all the time (may be this is what causes the nausea...)

MC said...

Hey Wolf - you have brought back the hero spirit to the gang!